Mixing Solutions

Mixing Tees

A low pressure drop solution

Uses an injector/diffuser in a designed housing designed for maximum turbulence

Mixes by distributing the injected chemical across the diameter of the pipe & injecting in a highly turbulent zone .

Good for lower viscosity chemicals with near water-like properties

 mixing tee1

mixing tee2


Static Mixers  (External web link)

A housing/pipe designed with internal engineered structures that create turbulence and divide/recombine flows for higher levels of mixing.

We offer the Storm Mixer product line integrated with our injectors for a highly effective mixing solutions

static mixer

 static mixer2



Venturi Eductor

Uses the kinetic energy of flow through a nozzle to create a zone with intense shear and mixing.  Good for aeration/gas mixing

 pvc threaded eductor
Chemical Injection and Sampling
Chemical Injection and Sampling
Chemical Injection and Sampling
Chemical Mixing
Chemical Mixing
Liquid into Gas
Liquid into Gas
Gas into Liquid
Gas into Liquid
Concentrated Acid Solutions
Concentrated Acid Solutions